The invasion of Ukraine has led the Russian leader to jettison cooperation with the West over North Korea’s nuclear arsenal in favor of an ever-deepening military alliance with Pyongyang.
Tag: Kim Jong-un
How Powerful Is North Korea’s Military?
The North’s nuclear forces have been the focus of global concern. But its conventional military is vast and empowered — even if it is hobbled by shortages, corruption and isolation.
U.S. Says North Korean Troops Are in Russia to Aid Fight Against Ukraine
Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III called the situation “very, very serious,” though he said that what the soldiers were doing in Russia was “left to be seen.”
What Is North Korea’s Role in the Russia-Ukraine War?
North Korea’s supply of munitions has already been critical to the Russian war effort. Now, its troops appear to be poised to join the fight in Ukraine.
North Korea Accuses the South of Sending Drones Over Pyongyang
Pyongyang threatened military action if the provocations continued, while the South advised its angry neighbor not to act “rashly.”
In This Office, the Fading Dream of a Unified Korea Lives On
On paper, five South Korean officials are the governors of North Korean provinces. Their goal is reunification, but fewer and fewer Koreans share it.
U.S. and Allies Sound Alarm Over Their Adversaries’ Military Ties
The Biden administration is struggling to halt cooperation among Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. It feels urgency over the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East while also aiming to protect Taiwan.
The Wily Spy Who Risked His Life to Meet North Korea’s Secretive Leader
Park Chae-so was so successful in infiltrating the North that Kim Jong-il, the enigmatic ruler, once gifted him blueberry wine. So why was the celebrated undercover agent later jailed by South Korea?
North Korea Reveals Weapons-Grade Uranium Factory
Its leader, Kim Jong-un, visited the factory and urged his country to produce more highly enriched uranium to build “exponentially” more nuclear weapons.
Why Many South Koreans Want the Country to Have Nuclear Weapons
Washington says it would defend the South against North Korea with nuclear arms, if need be. But more and more people in the South think it should rely on itself.