Moscow kept up its campaign to destroy civilian infrastructure, in an apparent bid — so far unsuccessful — to break Ukrainian morale by making cities unlivable.
Tag: Kyiv (Ukraine)
Scarred by War, Ukraine’s Children Face Years of Trauma
For countless Ukrainian children, the war has brought long-term physical and psychological injuries. Those who have suffered serious physical harm or the loss of a parent now face a challenging path forward.
Ukraine War Amputees Find New Limbs, and Hope
It did not take long for amputees to begin coming off the Ukrainian battlefield. Our photographer captured their fight to lead ordinary lives again.
Ukrainians Brace for a Cold Winter Amid Russian Conflict
In cities and towns battered by the war, residents worry about how to heat their homes as temperatures drop. But even in places spared from the worst of the fighting, Russian strikes on infrastructure have raised new fears.
As War Rages, a Ukrainian Family in Michigan Holds On to Home
Amber Galkin and her children find themselves navigating complicated connections with their homeland as they embrace a new national identity.
The Iranian Drones in Ukraine’s Already Crowded Skies
Russian forces have deployed two types of Iranian drones. Dozens of models of the remote-controlled and programmable weapons are now being used in the war.
Resilient Kyiv Patches Up After Attacks, but Some Things Can’t Be Fixed
After a barrage of Russian missile and drone strikes on the Ukrainian capital, its residents show a resolve to clean up and press on.
How Ukraine’s Surrogate Mothers Have Survived the War
When Russia invaded, Ukraine’s once-booming surrogacy industry seemed at risk of collapsing. But surrogate mothers and agencies have managed to continue deliveries, and clients are arriving again to pick up their children.
Kyiv Region of Ukraine Hit by Suspected ‘Kamikaze’ Drones
The weapons are causing havoc in a region that had been largely spared since the early months of the war.
Some Ukrainians Brace for Possibility of Russian Nuclear Strike
Fears of more severe retaliation grew after the attack on Russia’s sole bridge to Crimea. But U.S. officials have said they think the chances of Moscow’s using nuclear weapons are low.