When President Biden visits Angola on Monday, he will promote a rail project meant to show America’s commitment to the continent and to counter Chinese influence.
Tag: Labor and Jobs
Biden Visits Angola to Promote Lobito Corridor and Counter China
When President Biden visits Angola on Monday, he will promote a rail project meant to show America’s commitment to the continent and to counter Chinese influence.
India’s Exam Leaks Underline the Nation’s Bigger Problem
The economy has failed to create enough good jobs, so a government post appeals to far more people than there are openings, fueling desperation.
India’s Exam Leaks Underline the Nation’s Bigger Problem
The economy has failed to create enough good jobs, so a government post appeals to far more people than there are openings, fueling desperation.
Indian Thieves See a Gold Mine in Exams for Government Jobs
In a country where government jobs are highly coveted, the tests that govern hiring are a lucrative target for criminal gangs.
Spain Looks to Grant Residency to Nearly 1 Million Migrants
The government said new rules could give legal status — and work permits — to about 300,000 people a year over the next three years to address gaps in the labor market.
How Forced Labor and Hysterectomies Are Darkly Linked in India
Our correspondent explains how an exploitative labor system has produced a system of brutality in the country’s sugar fields.
Abused Workers in India’s Sugar Industry Face Worse Fates if They Quit
Why would anyone stay in a job where abuse is rampant and women are coerced into hysterectomies? Because the cost of escaping India’s cane fields is often even higher.
On Migration, Europe Warms to Ideas Once Seen as Fringe
As in the United States, a decline in the numbers of migrants crossing borders has not stopped anti-migrant sentiments from gaining ground.
Han Dongfang, Once China’s ‘Worst Nightmare,’ Refuses to Back Down
Neither jail nor exile to Hong Kong has stopped Han Dongfang, a former Tiananmen Square protest leader, from championing workers’ rights. “If you’re born stubborn, you go everywhere stubborn.”