With its minimum salary requirements, the new system would particularly affect female migrants, who tend to cluster in lower-paid occupations.
Tag: Labor and Jobs
As China Fights the Coronavirus, Some Say It Has Gone Too Far
Some Chinese business figures are taking an unusual public stand, saying the containment efforts threaten to strangle the economy if applied too broadly.
U.K.’s New Immigration Rules Will Restrict Low-Skilled Workers
Business groups denounced the plan, warning of looming labor shortages at a time of nearly full employment.
Finland Plans to Give All New Parents the Same Leave
The new reforms will give the same amount of leave to both parents, regardless of their gender, a move the government said promotes gender equality and inclusivity.
Troubles at an Aging Steel Mill Mirror Italy’s Own
The largest factory in the country’s economically depressed south teeters on closing, a victim of declining industry, haphazard regulation and volatile politics.
Japan Loves Robots, but Getting Them to Do Human Work Isn’t Easy
With a declining population and workers in short supply, Japan has fully embraced robots. But getting them to work to “the standard of humans” is often a challenge.
A 7-Eleven in Japan Might Close for a Day. Yes, That’s a Big Deal.
In a dispute captivating a country of workaholics, Mitoshi Matsumoto says the company is threatening to rescind his franchise after he complained about draconian work hours.
Philippine Peasants Were Promised Land. Staking a Claim Can Be Deadly.
Riding a populist backlash against the elite, President Rodrigo Duterte vowed to rescue landless peasants from poverty. Instead, he has reinforced the monopolistic grip of landowners.
Self-Checkout in France Sets Off Battle Over a Day of Rest
Besieged by online rivals, retailers are staying open Sunday afternoons with automated cashiers. Critics see an invasion of American-style consumerism.
3 French Executives Convicted in Suicides of 35 Workers
The employees at France Télécom killed themselves in the mid-2000s after management sought to reduce the work force through a policy of harassment, a court found.