British lawmakers will now hold a series of votes to see if they can come up with a better Brexit plan than has Mrs. May, whose tenure is ever shakier.
Tag: Labour Party (Great Britain)
E.U. Approves Brexit Extension, but Chaotic Departure Still Looms
The short extension was conditioned on Parliament’s approving a withdrawal deal it has already rejected twice by decisive margins.
Britain’s Parliament Votes to Delay Brexit, but Not to Control It
After a very trying week, Prime Minister Theresa May enjoyed a rare legislative victory, if a small one, when lawmakers left her in the driver’s seat.
Can U.K.’s Labour Party Survive Brexit?
The party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, tried to play both sides of the debate over leaving the European Union. Now, that “productive ambiguity” is tearing Labour apart.
Jeremy Corbyn, Under Pressure From His Labour Party, Backs New Brexit Vote
Mr. Corbyn’s support for a second referendum cheered pro-European Britons, but his shift is no guarantee that a so-called “people’s vote” will happen.
Britain’s Big Squeeze: ‘Austerity, That’s What I Know’: The Making of a Young U.K. Socialist
Alex McIntyre, 19, was brought up in a Britain being reshaped by government cuts. He gave up on capitalism after a year in college.
For U.K.’s Labour, Anti-Semitism and Corbyn Are as Divisive as Brexit
As another party lawmaker left for an independent grouping, leaders struggled to combat charges that Labour is “institutionally anti-Semitic.”
7 Labour Lawmakers Resign in U.K., in Rebuke of Jeremy Corbyn
The decision reflects the strains that Brexit has placed on a political system dominated by two main parties, each plagued by schisms.
Theresa May Suffers a New Brexit Defeat in Parliament Vote
Lawmakers rejected a motion to support the government’s Brexit negotiating strategy, deepening strains within both the Conservative and Labour parties.
In Critical Brexit Vote, Theresa May Survives
Lawmakers narrowly rejected an amendment that would have put Parliament in charge of the withdrawal from the E.U., overturning constitutional protocol.