The coronation of King Charles III is a good time to look at what is useful about the royal family.
Tag: Law and Legislation
U.K. Police ‘Regret’ Coronation Protest Arrests After Using New Powers
The dozens of detentions around the crowning of King Charles III intensified a national debate about new legislation that broadens police authority to arrest and charge potential demonstrators.
Debt Showdown
Lawmakers are starting discussions on the debt limit, weeks before a critical deadline.
Iran Targets Businesses to Stop Women From Ignoring Hijab Law
As more Iranian women go without the head scarves mandated by law, efforts by the government to force businesses to promote compliance points to a growing struggle in the months ahead.
The Fight Over the Debt Limit
House Republicans are putting the economy at risk to push spending cuts.
Stern German Judge Supports Legal Pot in Court and Rap Videos
A social media star with regular appearances on German television, Judge Andreas Müller is unabashed in backing legal marijuana, whether he’s sitting on the bench or playing himself in a music video.
Israel’s President Sees Hope for Judicial Compromise
Isaac Herzog is leading talks to resolve a crisis provoked by a divisive government plan to overhaul the courts. In an interview with The Times, he said he was optimistic about a breakthrough.
Russia Moves to Make Draft Evasion More Difficult
A new law would bar anyone called up to fight in Ukraine from leaving the country, among other restrictions, even as the Kremlin insists it is not planning a new conscription.
The Response to Crime
Republican lawmakers are putting limits on progressive prosecutors.
Marlène Schiappa Posed for Playboy (Clothed). France Is Looking, and Talking.
Critics have questioned the junior minister’s choice of publication, and called the magazine shoot a distraction amid nationwide protests over a new pension law.