The measure, which is expected to be signed into law by Guatemala’s conservative president within weeks, would impose the harshest punishments for abortion of almost any country in Latin America.
Tag: Law and Legislation
Switzerland, Long a Safe Haven for Tobacco Ads, Weighs a Ban
Voters will decide Sunday on whether to prohibit the ads in places where they can be seen by children under 18.
Marie-Claire Chevalier, Catalyst for French Abortion Law, Dies at 66
While in high school in 1972, she was raped and became pregnant. Her illegal abortion paved the way for France to decriminalize the procedure in 1975.
House Passes Bill Adding Billions to Research to Compete With China
The vote sets up a fight with the Senate, which has different recommendations for how the United States should bolster its technology industry to take on China.
Democrats Renew Push for Industrial Policy Bill Aimed at China
A major competitiveness bill passed the Senate last year with bipartisan support, only to stall. Democrats hope to revive it in the House, but first they will have to bridge big differences.
Biden Looks to Intel’s U.S. Investment to Buoy His China Agenda
The president said passage of a China competition bill was needed “for the sake of our economic competitiveness and our national security.”
Silvio Berlusconi Angles for Italy’s Presidency, Bunga Bunga and All
The billionaire former prime minister is working hard to persuade lawmakers to vote for him next week, despite an unusual résumé for a job resting on moral authority.
Nearly 5 Years After Grenfell Fire, U.K. Tells Developers to Pay for Upgrades
After a deadly high-rise blaze in 2017, countless instances of unsafe building practices came to light. The latest plan to address them expands who will be covered.
Canadian Law Banning ‘Conversion Therapy’ Set to Go Into Effect
The law, which takes effect on Friday, puts Canada in the company of more than a dozen countries that have banned the widely discredited practice.
Britain’s Crossbow Rules in the Cross Hairs After Windsor Castle Breach
Britain’s Home Office said it was “considering options to strengthen controls” on the weapons, part of a continuing review, after a man was arrested in castle grounds with one.