The far-right leader was charged with disseminating violent images, a crime in France, after posting photographs of Islamic State killings in 2015.
Tag: Le Pen, Marine
Sure, the Populists Gained, but the Real Winners May Be for Europe
In a fragmented new European Parliament, President Emmanuel Macron of France’s pro-Europe forces and the Greens may have more leverage to influence both policy and personnel.
European Vote Reveals an Ever More Divided France
The party of Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader who lost decisively to President Emmanuel Macron two years ago, defeated his party in the European Parliament voting.
Election Puts Europe on the Front Line of the Battle With Populism
If Europe has been an incubator for far-right populism in recent years, after its elections it now feels more like a battleground for polarized voters.
European Election Results Show Growing Split Over Union’s Future
As both pro-E.U. and anti-E.U. forces seemed likely to claim some victories, the vote made clear that arguing over the future of the bloc would intensify.
In Parliament Elections, Populists Seek to Break the E.U. From Within
Not long ago, nationalist movements pushed for a departure from the European Union. Now they are seeking seats in Parliament, promising an insurgency from within.
Bannon’s Populists, Once a ‘Movement,’ Keep Him at Arm’s Length
For months the former Trump adviser promised to help far-right forces unify before European Parliament elections. Now they’re moving on without him.
Marine Le Pen Denies Making White Power Gesture in Selfie
The French far-right leader said she was unaware the hand signal meant anything other than O.K. when she posed for a selfie with an Estonian politician.
Matteo Salvini Announces New European Alliance of Far-Right Populists
Matteo Salvini, leader of Italy’s League party, and like-minded politicians from other countries hope to take control of the European Parliament in elections in May.
France’s Far Right Sees Gold in Yellow Vest Movement
National Front leaders are trying to turn protests that have left much of France in upheaval to their purposes. But it may be a double-edged sword.