Rival factions have been fighting for three days, at times with heavy weaponry, in the densely populated Ein al-Hilweh camp in the coastal city of Sidon, south of Beirut.
Tag: Lebanon
Lebanese Depositors Have Resorted to Force to Withdraw Their Savings
Amid severe limits on withdrawals and a yearslong financial crisis, Lebanese depositors are resorting to force to demand their own money, earning the moniker “the world’s most honorable bank robbers.”
As Assad’s Isolation Lifts, Syrian Refugees Fear Pressure to Return Home
Arab countries re-establishing diplomatic ties with Syria are making repatriation of Syrian refugees a top priority. “Even if they shoot me, I won’t go back,” a refugee in Lebanon said.
Arab League Votes to Readmit Syria, Ending a Nearly 12-Year Suspension
The country is poised for a triumphant return this month at the league’s next summit — perhaps represented by President Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian leader accused of committing war crimes against his own people.
Canadian Suspect in Paris Synagogue Bombing Is Found Guilty
The attack killed four and injured dozens. But decades of false leads, a lack of evidence and legal wrangling delayed a trial.
Rockets From Lebanon Point to Growing Hamas Cooperation With Hezbollah
Israel accused Hamas, a Palestinian militia, of firing rockets into Israel from Lebanon, underscoring its deepening ties with Hezbollah, the dominant Lebanese militia.
Tensions Subside in South Lebanon but Rise Again in West Bank and Israel
Rare cross-border fire between Israel and militias in Lebanon ebbed on Friday, lowering fears of a wider escalation. But violence flared again in Israel and the Israeli-occupied West Bank, where two attacks killed three civilians.
Israel Strikes Lebanon After Rocket Attack From Militias
The Israeli military blamed Palestinian exiles in Lebanon for what appeared to be a retaliatory attack over Israel’s raid of a mosque at a Jerusalem holy site two days earlier.
Israel Strikes Gaza After It Is Hit by Militia Rockets From Lebanon
The Israeli military blamed Palestinian exiles in Lebanon for what appeared to be a retaliatory attack over Israel’s raid of a mosque at a Jerusalem holy site one day earlier.
No More Blank Checks: Saudi Arabia Clamps Down on Regional Aid
The kingdom used to send money to poorer countries like Egypt with few strings attached. But it is increasingly leveraging its economic power for influence in the Middle East and beyond.