Israeli politics can be tribal, with loyalties to ethnic groups, religious factions and ideologies as strong a factor in voting as views on particular issues. Here’s a guide in words and pictures.
Tag: Legislatures and Parliaments
Venezuela’s Maduro Trains Sights on Opposition’s Last Bastion: Congress
President Maduro’s Socialist Party legislators are retaking their seats in Congress, threatening the power base of Juan Guaidó, the congressional leader who has also claimed the presidency.
To Make a Deal on Brexit, Boris Johnson Eyes an ‘All-Ireland’ Zone
Though he denies it, the British prime minister may well leave Northern Ireland inside the European customs union to get a withdrawal deal.
U.K. Parliament Closes, but Lawmakers Don’t Go Quietly
In the early hours of Tuesday morning, the country’s elected body was shut down in a ceremony that featured a rod, a mace and a few lines of Norman French.
Italy’s Leader Wins Confidence Vote After Denouncing Populist Rhetoric
Giuseppe Conte’s new coalition government passed its first hurdle as he vowed to leave “explosive, belligerent statements behind.”
John Bercow, Loathed and Lionized, to Step Down as Britain’s House Speaker
John Bercow, who infuriated Brexit supporters and successive Conservative governments, announced on Monday that he would step down as speaker of Britain’s House of Commons.
Brexit Highlights From a Momentous Day: Parliament Rejects New Election
Prime Minister Boris Johnson was rebuffed in his second try for a general election on the same day legislation to prevent a no-deal Brexit gained formal approval.
Brexit Live Updates: Battles Over Deadlines and a General Election
Legislation to prevent a no-deal Brexit is expected to gain formal approval today, and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is likely to be rebuffed in his second try for a general election.
Boris Johnson Finds His Party Loyalists Aren’t as Loyal as Trump’s
However distasteful Republicans may find President Trump, they largely back his agenda. In Britain, rebels in the Conservative Party have staged a dramatic insurrection.
‘They’re All Idiots’: Amid Brexit Chaos, Britons Lose Faith in Politicians
Whether they wanted to leave or remain in the European Union, British voters agreed that politicians are a “joke,” particularly, it seems, Prime Minister Boris Johnson.