The leader compared the requests for help to prank calls, the latest controversy over his government’s response to record levels of violence against women.
Tag: Lopez Obrador, Andres Manuel
‘It’s Not the Virus’: Mexico’s Broken Hospitals Become Killers, Too
Years of neglect have hobbled many Mexican hospitals. Now, as the pandemic strikes, some patients are dying from neglect or from mistakes that are easily prevented, doctors and nurses say.
Hidden Toll: Mexico Ignores Wave of Coronavirus Deaths in Capital
More than three times as many people may have died from Covid-19 in Mexico City than federal statistics show, according to a Times analysis.
Economic Freeze Cuts Remittances, a Lifeline for Migrants’ Families
Migrant workers globally send hundreds of billions of dollars home every year. The economic paralysis with the coronavirus pandemic threatens that.
‘I Can’t Stop’: In Vast Informal Economy, Pandemic Adds to Pressure
Many workers in Latin America labor without protections, surviving day to day, making them especially vulnerable to the coronavirus.
A Closed Border, Dashed Hopes and a Looming Disaster
The United States, citing the coronavirus, is shutting off access for anyone trying to claim asylum from the Mexican border.
Under Pressure From Trump, Extraditions to U.S. From Mexico Soar
The increased pace follows a threat by President Trump to designate drug traffickers as terrorists and amid two visits by his attorney general to Mexico to push for more cooperation.
The Grisly Deaths of a Woman and a Girl Shock Mexico and Test Its President
The murders of Ingrid Escamilla, 25, and Fátima Aldrighett, 7, are forcing a reckoning in a country that has wrestled with violence against women. The president’s response has been harshly criticized.
More Violence. Fewer Prisoners. Inside Mexico’s Criminal Justice Reform.
Leaked drafts of reforms intended to strengthen the government’s hand in the fight against crime have outraged judicial and human rights workers.
Mexico Breaks Up a Migrant Caravan, Pleasing White House
The Mexican authorities used pepper spray on a caravan of 4,000 Central American migrants who tried to enter the country illegally, and dangled the possibility of jobs for those who registered.