Though the Mexican authorities have been criticized for releasing one of El Chapo’s sons back to gunmen, residents of Culiacán say the decision saved lives.
Tag: Lopez Obrador, Andres Manuel
Under Scrutiny for Wealth, Powerful Boss of Mexico’s Oil Workers Union Resigns
The resignation of Carlos Romero Deschamps, who is under investigation for his unexplained wealth, is an important step for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador in his fight against corruption.
Five Years Ago, 43 Students Vanished. The Mystery, and the Pain, Remain
The case has become a symbol of Mexico’s broken rule of law.
Overflowing Toilets, Bedbugs and High Heat: Inside Mexico’s Migrant Detention Centers
Under pressure from President Trump, Mexico’s iron-fisted approach to migration has led to a surge in detentions. An unprepared system is overwhelmed and filthy.
Mexico’s Finance Minister Resigns, Rebuking the President’s Policies
The minister, Carlos Urzúa, was part of the president’s inner circle and worked to give investors confidence that the leftist leader would be fiscally disciplined.
Mexican Opium Prices Plummet, Driving Poppy Farmers to Migrate
The drop in prices is leading poppy farmers to seek work in the United States and other places.
Mexico’s Federal Police Rebel Against New Security Plan
Mexico’s president created a new force to combat rising crime. The federal police are an important part of it. But officers are fighting the plan.
Mexico’s National Guard, Created to Fight Crime, Is Deployed to Capital
Although Mexico City’s crime rate is lower than much of the country’s, a recent spike has alarmed residents and prompted the president to deploy the new force.
Mexico’s Crackdown at Its Southern Border, Prompted by Trump, Scares Migrants From Crossing
Increased enforcement along the border with Guatemala, which began in recent days, has made crossing into Mexico harder. This has dissuaded migrants from traveling north.
Mexico’s Workers Can Finally Choose Unions. Old Unions Are Pushing Back.
Mexico is overturning rules that forced workers into government-allied unions, but enforcement will be tough as those unions and employers push back.