President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko of Belarus once skillfully managed Moscow, but now he is doing the Kremlin’s bidding in Russia’s confrontation with Ukraine.
Tag: Lukashenko, Aleksandr G
As Russia and Belarus Stage Military Exercise, Talk of Ukraine Invasion Is Dismissed
“There will be no invasion tomorrow,” the strongman leader of Belarus told reporters after watching artillery and warplanes from Russia and his country put on a noisy display of firepower.
Ukraine Fighting May Open Door to Russian Invasion, U.S. Warns
As shelling intensified in the east, officials warned that Moscow might use false claims of “genocide” against Russians in the region as a pretext for an attack.
Obscure but Crucial Commodity Fuels Geopolitical Tussle in Eastern Europe
Lithuanian efforts to stop potash, a key fertilizer ingredient, from Belarus from crossing its territory to punish the country’s authoritarian leader may play into Russia’s hands.
As Russian Troops Mass in Belarus, a Ukraine Border Is Largely Undefended
From the border, it’s a fast 140 miles down a newly paved highway to Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, but only a few troops stand guard.
Russia Thins Out Its Embassy in Ukraine, a Possible Clue to Putin’s Next Move
The slow evacuation may be part propaganda, part preparation for a conflict or part feint, Ukrainian and U.S. officials say. It could be all three.
Belarus Opposition Leader Is Sentenced to 18 Years in Prison
The activist Sergei Tikhanovsky planned to challenge the country’s authoritarian leader, Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, in a presidential election last year. He was arrested before the vote and his wife stepped in.
Defector Helps Build Case Against Belarus Over Ryanair Flight It Forced Down
A former air traffic controller has been telling Polish investigators what he knows about the diversion of the plane carrying a Belarus dissident in May.
Iraqis Return From Belarus, but Some Say They Will Try Again to Reach the E.U.
“If I find a better and safe route, I will definitely try again,” said one of the more than 600 Iraqi migrants who came home on the government’s latest evacuation flights.
Iraqis Return from Belarus, but Some Say They Will Try Again to Reach the E.U.
“If I find a better and safe route, I will definitely try again,” said one of the more than 600 Iraqi migrants who came home on the government’s latest evacuation flights.