Juan Guaidó’s meteoric rise and now his decline have brought Venezuela to a crossroads. At stake is the future of a once-prosperous democracy now gripped by poverty and repression.
Tag: Maduro, Nicolas
Venezuela Votes in an Election the Opposition Calls a Charade
A victory by the party of President Nicolás Maduro is likely to further weaken Juan Guaidó, the opposition leader who launched a bold but ultimately failed bid backed by the U.S. to take power.
Six U.S. Oil Executives Are Convicted of Corruption in Venezuela
The so-called Citgo 6, who had been lured to Venezuela three years ago for a business meeting, were immediately sentenced to prison.
Venezuela Raids Food Charity, Interrupting Meals for Children
The charity, Feed the Solidarity, often provides the only meals children receive each day. The government accuses it of subversion, with no evidence.
Trump’s Post-Election Tactics Put Him in Unsavory Company
Denying defeat, claiming fraud and using government machinery to reverse election results are the time-honored tools of dictators.
Trump’s Post-Election Tactics Put Him in Unsavory Company
Denying defeat, claiming fraud and using government machinery to reverse election results are the time-honored tools of dictators.
Trump, Venezuela and the Tug-of-War Over a Strongman
How a yearslong battle over U.S.-Venezuela relations aided President Trump’s campaign in Florida — and left the Maduro regime standing.
Biden’s Plans for Latin America: End ‘Bully Dictating Policy’
If elected, Joe Biden plans to spearhead a repudiation — in policy and tone — of President Trump’s legacy in the region.
Venezuela Opposition Figure, Long Confined, Flees Country
Leopoldo López had spent the past six years in jail, house arrest and diplomatic asylum. He fled on Saturday to an undisclosed location, his party said.
Venezuela Opposition Figure, Long Confined, Flees to Spain
Leopoldo López had spent the past six years in jail, house arrest and diplomatic asylum. He fled on Saturday, joining his family in Spain.