A close ally of President Trump quietly met with an associate of President Nicolás Maduro, whom the United States does not recognize as the leader of Venezuela.
Tag: Maduro, Nicolas
Richard Grenell Pursued Talks of Maduro, Power Change in Venezuela
A close ally of President Trump quietly met with an associate of President Nicolás Maduro, whom the United States does not recognize as the leader of Venezuela.
Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela Wins Right to Appeal Over Gold Held in U.K.
President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela has been trying since 2018 to gain access to bullion deposited at the Bank of England, running into a dispute over whether Britain considers him the country’s leader.
Venezuelan Leaders Implicated in Crimes Against Humanity by U.N. Investigators
President Nicolás Maduro and other high-ranking officials were accused of being behind the detention, torture and killing of government critics and assaults by state security services.
Venezuela Says Arrested American Was Planning to Sabotage Oil Refineries
Venezuela’s chief prosecutor said a U.S. citizen had been charged in an alleged terrorist plot to sabotage oil refineries and electrical service in order to stir unrest.
Venezuela’s Opposition Splits Over Taking Part in Coming Elections
Sanctions and boycotts have failed to bring down president Nicolás Maduro. Now some opposition leaders are ready to shift strategy and take him on at the ballot box, despite concerns about the vote’s fairness.
Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro Pardons Political Opponents
President Nicolás Maduro cast his decree as a bid for unity, but many members of the political opposition quickly scorned it.
Venezuela Cracks Down Using Security Forces Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
A ruined economy and a broken health care system have left President Nicolás Maduro unable to fight the pandemic as other world leaders have. Instead, he’s detained thousands to try to halt the spread.
In Diplomatic Doubleheader, U.S. Seizes Iranian Fuel From Ships Headed to Venezuela
The high-seas handover blocked two diplomatic adversaries from evading American economic sanctions. Iran denied it was its fuel.
2 Ex-Green Berets Sentenced to 20 Years for Venezuela Attack
Venezuelan prosecutors said the former Green Berets admitted to taking part in a failed attack aimed at overthrowing the country’s president.