Investors poured money into Canada’s marijuana market, but one year after legalization, the euphoria has evaporated.
Tag: Marijuana
New Zealand Is Tackling Hot-Button Liberal Issues in One Swoop
The country will decide whether to legalize assisted suicide and recreational marijuana, and whether to decriminalize abortion. Conflict-averse New Zealanders may be pushed onto uncomfortable ground.
In a First for Australia, the Capital Legalizes Recreational Marijuana
The move echoed efforts in the United States, where some states have legalized recreational use of marijuana even as it has remained illegal under federal law.
What You Need to Know About Vaping-Related Lung Illness
Coughing, fatigue and shortness of breath are warning signs for anyone who has vaped within the last 90 days.
Philip Morris and Altria Are in Talks to Merge
With Altria’s investment in Juul, a combination of the tobacco giants would dominate the international market for e-cigarettes.
Scientists Find Ancient Humans Used Weed 2,500 Years Ago, Too
Residue found in tombs deep in a Central Asian mountain range suggests that strong cannabis was used in ancient burial rites.
China Cashes in on the Cannabis Boom
Legalization has little chance of coming to China, but companies have begun cultivating the plant to meet overseas demand for cannabidiol, or CBD.
American Arrested Over 20-Acre Cannabis Plantation in Myanmar
Facebook photos led the police to the large cannabis operation near Mandalay. Its supporters said it was an industrial hemp operation. The authorities said it was still illegal.
A Pro-Pot Candidate Could Prove Decisive in Israeli Election
Moshe Feiglin’s far-right, libertarian Zehut party is gaining traction among young voters. It could end up determining who leads the next government.
Thailand to Allow Medical Marijuana, a First in Southeast Asia
Lawmakers unanimously approved legislation that would allow the use of cannabis under medical supervision. The penalty for recreational use would remain in place.