Even as new coronavirus infections appear to slow, a backlog is forcing doctors to make increasingly tough choices about treatment.
Tag: Medical Devices
As Coronavirus Looms, a Hospital Begins Sterilizing Masks for Reuse
Surgical masks are supposed to be used just once. But doctors in Nebraska are attempting a novel experiment as gear shortages arise.
‘Wash Our Hands? Some People Can’t Wash Their Kids for a Week.’
In devastated northwestern Syria, the coronavirus may already be spreading in packed displacement camps, and the international response is weeks behind.
Why Are These Medical Instruments So Tough to Sterilize?
Duodenoscopes have sickened hundreds of patients in hospital outbreaks. Now some experts are demanding the devices be redesigned or taken off the market.
Bribes and Backdoor Deals Help Foreign Firms Sell to China’s Hospitals
G.E., Siemens and others have prospered in a country where corruption pervades the market for medical equipment, according to a New York Times investigation. China’s 1.4 billion people pay the price.
An Australian Doctor’s Dream: Curing America’s Opioid Curse
Dr. George O’Neil has implanted a device he invented into thousands of Australians who abuse opioids. But is it an answer for America’s addiction crisis?