In the Belgian town of Geel, families have long taken in people with psychiatric conditions. Could this approach work elsewhere?
Tag: Mental Health and Disorders
French Student to Be Charged With Premeditated Murder in Teacher’s Stabbing
Prosecutors painted a portrait of a troubled, socially awkward teenager who had been bullied, and who attempted suicide in October.
How Teens Recovered From the ‘TikTok Tics’
A wave of teenagers who developed tics during the pandemic has receded, illustrating the powerful influence of stress on the body and the resilience of adolescents.
Hospitalizing the Homeless
New York City’s struggle to get severely mentally ill people off the streets.
My Friend Helped Me Carry My Burdens. His Proved Too Heavy.
He was a precious lifeline for me during the Covid lockdown in India, but he struggled with family pressures and heartbreak.
How Cities Around the US and Abroad Approach Homelessness
New York City officials plan to remove mentally ill people from streets and subways. Here’s a quick look at how other cities and countries approach the issue of support for homeless people.
Cultural Bereavement: Naming the Grief Refugees May Feel
There is a name for the specific type of grief that both refugees and migrants experience. It’s called “cultural bereavement.”
‘The Best Tool We Have’ for Self-Harming and Suicidal Teens
Studies indicate that dialectical behavior therapy offers greater benefits than more generalized therapy. But treatment is intensive, and expensive.
A Teen’s Journey Into the Internet’s Darkness and Back Again
As anxiety and depression soar among adolescents, researchers struggle to understand how exactly social media affects mental health.
Dr. Oh Eun-young of ‘My Golden Kids’ Puts Therapy on TV
In South Korea, Dr. Oh Eun-young, a celebrated psychiatrist, has helped destigmatize seeking therapy and blown up the traditionally private relationship with patients by putting it all on TV.