Thousands had gathered in the German capital. But the march was shut down after an hour for failing to obey social distancing rules.
Tag: Merkel, Angela
On Trump, Merkel’s Face Does the Talking
The German leader looked bemused when asked about a claim at the Republican convention that President Trump had “charmed” her.
On Trump, Merkel’s Face Does the Talking
The German leader looked bemused when asked about a claim at the Republican convention that President Trump had “charmed” her.
Russia Rejects Calls for Investigation of Navalny Poisoning
The Kremlin’s spokesman said there was no need to investigate because it had not yet been proven that the opposition leader was poisoned.
Angela Merkel Guides the E.U. to a Stimulus Deal, However Imperfect
With her long experience as German chancellor, she shapes a necessary compromise on virus aid for the battered European south. But it’s consensus at a cost.
E.U. Adopts Groundbreaking Stimulus to Fight Coronavirus Recession
The $857 billion package includes unprecedented steps to help less wealthy countries, including selling collective debt and giving much of the money as grants, not loans.
European Union Leaders Meet to Discuss Coronavirus Recovery Plan
Domestic political pressures and longstanding cultural differences are putting a brake on Angela Merkel’s push for swift agreement.
Can Angela Merkel Seal Her Legacy With a Coronavirus Rescue Deal?
Angela Merkel has been the German chancellor for 15 years. Forging European consensus on a bitterly disputed recovery fund could burnish an uneven record.
Flare-up in Coronavirus Cases Sets Back Germany’s Reopening Efforts
Regional authorities have locked down two counties for the first time since the country’s broader reopening, which had been considered a success.
Trump Plans to Withdraw Some U.S. Troops From Germany, a Key NATO Ally
The plan is a further blow to America’s weakening European alliances and likely to be welcomed by President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.