The Alternative for Germany surged in two elections in the former East Germany, but the parties in Angela Merkel’s coalition managed to cling to power.
Tag: Merkel, Angela
A Very German Idea of Freedom: Nude Ping-Pong, Nude Sledding, Nude Just About Anything
Germany’s nudist movement, unique in the world, has survived Hitler, Communism and Instagram. It has everything to do with wanting to be free, say nudists, and zero to do with sex.
As the Amazon Burns, Europe Seizes Title of Climate Champion
With the Trump administration nearly silent, European leaders have energetically stepped in to take up the mantle of leadership. A trade deal could be at stake.
Brazil’s Rainforest Fires Prompt Alarm and Anger in Europe
President Emmanuel Macron of France accused President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil of lying about climate change, and said he would try to kill a major trade deal.
Boris Johnson Needs Help From Trump, but Not Too Much
As he undertakes his first foreign trip, Mr. Johnson needs American support for Brexit. But he also needs help from Berlin and Paris, where the president is regarded with suspicion.
Germany Trained and Hired Asylum Seekers, Then Started Deporting Them
More than a third of asylum seekers in the country work full time. Yet many could still be forced to leave, to the frustration of many employers.
Angela Merkel ‘Feels Solidarity’ for Congresswomen Targeted by Trump
The chancellor said the president’s “go back” comment ran counter to her impression of what had made America strong.
Merkel Is Seen Shaking Again, Renewing Health Concerns
It was the third time in less than a month that Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany had been seen trembling, but she insisted that her health was fine.
Iraqi Refugee Is Convicted in Germany of Raping and Murdering Teenage Girl
The man was sentenced to life in prison for killing the 14-year-old in a case that fueled outrage, particularly on the far right, at the handling of asylum seekers.
Merkel’s Health Intensifies Debate Over Her Succession
When the German leader was seen shaking in public twice in a matter of days, it was largely played down. Then she powered her way through a grueling week of travel and meetings.