For an audience in India, the prime minister is linking his diplomatic reception abroad, and himself, to the country’s growing importance on the world stage.
Tag: Modi, Narendra
Democracy and Reality
We are covering Narendra Modi’s visit to the U.S., the implosion of the missing submersible and the N.B.A. draft.
Why Modi and Other Indian Leaders Stay Single
India’s politicians need a lot of time to attend to 1.4 billion people. And with corruption widespread, those without families are often seen as less likely to steal.
What to Know About Modi’s Visit and U.S.-India Relations
The visit has big implications for U.S.-India relations as President Biden seeks to shore up an alliance against Russia’s aggression and China’s economic influence.
Why Modi’s Radio Show Is Vital to His Popularity in India
The Indian leader, who visits Washington this week, has softened his image at home with an old-fashioned radio show, which feeds a vast social media apparatus.
Manipur, India’s Blood-Soaked War Zone
An outburst of ethnic hatreds has fractured an ancient kingdom and turned neighbors into enemies.
India’s Trains Resume Service Near Deadly Crash in Balasore
The restoration of service could help more families reach the area to identify the dead. Officials said about 100 victims were still unclaimed.
India Funds New Trains Ahead of Safety Improvements, Analysts Say
Train travel in the country has gotten much safer, Friday’s disaster notwithstanding, but the government still puts high-profile projects ahead of basic safety improvements, analysts say.
India Vows Punishment for Those Responsible for Deadly Train Crash
Officials suggested human error, even sabotage, could have led to the crash that killed 275, as crews raced to restore service and families struggled to reach the site to identify loved ones.
A Look at Some of the Deadliest Rail Crashes in India’s Recent History
Friday’s crash is remarkable even in a country with a long history of train deaths.