The uneven response to India’s catastrophic second wave, coupled with widespread vaccine hesitancy, indicates that the coronavirus is here to stay.
Tag: Modi, Narendra
A Jailed Priest’s Death in India Stirs Outrage
The Rev. Stan Swamy was among more than a dozen activists jailed under a broad antiterrorism law that critics say is used to stifle dissent.
How India’s Covid-Hit Hospitals Ran Out of Oxygen
A cascading series of failures, from the central government on down, left hospitals across India without medical oxygen, killing hundreds. One tragic night in Delhi shows how it happened.
How India’s Covid-Hit Hospitals Ran Out of Oxygen
A cascading series of failures, from the central government on down, left hospitals across India without medical oxygen, killing hundreds. One tragic night in Delhi shows how it happened.
India’s Covid Crisis Tests Modi’s Ability to Shift Narratives
His efforts to squelch dissent and to accentuate the positive may not be able to counter widespread anger over his government’s stumbling response, undermining a key part of his strategy for wielding power.
India to Take Over Vaccine Program From States Amid Criticism
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said shots would be free for all those over 18.
India and Israel Inflame Facebook’s Fights With Its Own Employees
The social network wrongly bowed to government demands to take down content in the countries, employees said, in more signs of internal dissent.
New Delhi Reopens a Crack Amid Gloomy Economic Forecast for India
The Indian capital lifted restrictions on manufacturing and construction, critical drivers of an economy that has been battered by the pandemic.
Delhi Reopens a Crack Amid Gloomy Economic Forecast for India
The Indian capital lifted restrictions on manufacturing and construction, critical drivers of an economy that has been battered by the pandemic.
Twitter Calls on Indian Government to Respect Free Speech
After the government targeted posts criticizing its response to the coronavirus spread, Twitter said it would push back on what it called “intimidation tactics.”