“Black Box Diaries,” a documentary about Shiori Ito’s fight against Japan’s patriarchal justice system, opens on Friday in the United States.
Tag: Movies
Fan Bingbing, Once China’s Top Actress, Returns to Film Years After Tax Scandal
Fan was a megastar until 2018, when she was fined tens of millions of dollars over unpaid taxes and her career tanked. “Green Night” is her first film since the scandal.
Fear Factors
Sometimes the scariest movies are the ones that depict the ordinary horrors of life.
A South Korean Olympian Gets to Play an Assassin, but Some Before Her Have Flopped
Olympians who tried the movies, especially in the 1980s, often fared poorly.
A South Korean Olympian Gets to Play an Assassin, but Some Before Her Have Flopped
Olympians who tried the movies, especially in the 1980s, often fared poorly.
Shoulder Season
It’s still summer today, but fall arrives tomorrow. Take a minute to pause on the threshold.
Divided Attention
On the eve of the Emmy Awards, it’s worth taking a look at what we’re actually watching.
Toronto Film Festival Pulls Documentary on Russian Soldiers
The festival canceled the screenings of “Russians at War,” which has been criticized as Kremlin propaganda. The filmmaker has said it is an antiwar film.
Pedro Almodóvar, Master of Mystifying Films, Wrote a Book He Can’t Classify
In “The Last Dream,” the Spanish director offers insights into his complicated relationship with creativity and mortality.
In South Indian Cinema, a #MeToo Reckoning Comes Roaring Back
A report withheld since 2019 has finally been released, providing damning evidence of sexual misconduct and gender discrimination in Malayalam cinema.