There’s an empty calendar spread out before us. What meaning will we give to it?
Tag: Museum of Modern Art
Art or Trash? It Can Be a Fine Line.
Two beer cans were displayed in a Dutch museum. Then they were accidentally thrown out.
Protests Over Gaza Intensify at American Art Museums
A protest at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco led to the resignation of its leader and to a monthlong closure of its galleries.
Nairy Baghramian Breaks Through With Metropolitan Museum Facade Commission
With powerfully alive new works at the Met and MoMA, the Iranian-born artist Nairy Baghramian embraces the canon, the better to take it apart.
Cross-Cultural Exchanges from Vietnam, Ethiopia, the Caribbean
Solo shows also abound, from Charles Gaines to Harry Smith, while the women of Land Art and Fluxus keep rocking in major exhibitions.
When Architects Made Worlds
MoMA explores an era of sweeping change, when South Asian architects — pioneering women, among them — redefined the postcolonial era and helped construct new nation states.
Queen Victoria, Smiling and in Sunglasses, Is Found Anew on Film
A high-quality film showing the 19th-century British monarch smiling and waving to the public in Ireland challenges history’s depiction of her as sullen and irritable.