The Indian prime minister’s mix of Hindu nationalism and economic development helped him win re-election on Thursday. In his constituency, though, the mix cuts both ways.
Tag: Muslims and Islam
With Joko Widodo’s Re-election, Indonesia Bucks Global Tilt Toward Strongmen
The president of the world’s third-largest democracy won a second term Tuesday, and vowed in an interview to protect pluralism and fight growing extremist threats.
One of U.K.’s Most Prolific Extremist Cells Is Regrouping
The security services have expressed alarm at the prospect of the extremist group Al Muhajiroun re-energizing with ISIS fighters returning from Iraq and Syria.
Burkina Faso Wracked by Escalating Violence
A once-stable country is plagued by extremists pouring over its northern border, restive farmers and herdsmen battling for land, and militias bent on tit-for-tat vengeance.
As India’s Election Ends, Warring Parties Burn a Village
India has seen less violence than usual during this election season, which ends Sunday. But political and sectarian anger left at least one village scarred.
One of Britain’s Most Prolific Terror Cells Is Regrouping
The security services have expressed alarm at the prospect of the extremist group Al Muhajiroun re-energizing with ISIS fighters returning from Iraq and Syria.
Questions and Answers About Syria’s Secret Torture Prisons
Anne Barnard, our former Beirut bureau chief, took to Reddit to share additional insights into her Times investigation of the cruel tactics President Bashar al-Assad uses to crack down on opposition.
At War: Moving Beyond the Label of ‘War Refugee’
A look at the reporting behind one Syrian family that fled Syria in 2015 and is now trying to rebuild a new life spread across four European cities.
Sri Lanka Declares Curfew After Mobs Target Muslims
The island nation has been on alert for retaliatory violence directed at the minority Muslim population after the deadly Easter Sunday bombings.
Trump Considers Them Terrorists, but Some Are Allies
President Trump’s proposal to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group risks upsetting American allies from Turkey to Indonesia.