In the lawless jungles and seas of the southern Philippines, militants launch deadly attacks under the black flag of the Islamic State.
Tag: Muslims and Islam
Finding a Place in Women’s Mosques
Organizers of reform mosques are building on an evolving tradition of women imams that dates back centuries. But some Muslim women remain wary.
Shared Buddhist Faith Offers No Shield From Myanmar Military
As the suffering of Rohingya Muslims wins global sympathy, the Buddhist Rakhine ethnic group in the country’s far west seeks recognition of its own oppression.
He Needed a Job. China Gave Him One: Locking Up His Fellow Muslims.
China’s vast detention program for Muslims has required more and more police officers. And recruits are coming from the very ethnic groups that are being suppressed.
‘We Were Friends, and Then We Started Killing Each Other.’ India Recalls Partition. Carefully.
A museum dedicated to the division of India and birth of Pakistan documents a bloody era that, however distant, is still capable of arousing passions.
‘Gay Muslim’ Comic Strip Vanishes After Indonesia Calls It Pornographic
The strip’s tagline was “Gay Muslim comics for people who are able to think.” Instagram said it had not complied with the government’s request to block it.
For Iran, a Grand Occasion to Bash the U.S.
While celebrating 40 years of revolution, Iran’s president decried “a psychological and economical war, waged by cruel enemies,” namely President Trump.
Turkey Urges China to End Mass Detention of Muslims
The rare rebuke of the Chinese crackdown by a majority-Muslim country came after reports that a prominent Uighur folk poet had died in detention.
Alexandre Bissonnette Sentenced to 40 Years Without Parole for Quebec Mosque Killings
The 29-year-old former politics student — who became fixated on President Trump, the far right and Muslims — had pleaded guilty to six first-degree murder charges.
A Desperate Exodus From ISIS’ Final Village
A stream of families and fighters, many of them hungry or injured, are surrendering on a rocky patch of desert in southeastern Syria.