Tag: Myanmar
‘Kill All You See’: In a First, Myanmar Soldiers Tell of Rohingya Slaughter
Video testimony from two soldiers supports widespread accusations that Myanmar’s military tried to eradicate the ethnic minority in a genocidal campaign.
Rohingya Refugees Rescued by Indonesian Fishermen After Months at Sea
The ship, carrying around 300 Rohingya Muslims, had been at sea for more than six months after being denied port in Southeast Asia.
Myanmar Plan to Breed Protected Species in Captivity Draws Criticism
Myanmar’s conservation ministry is considering captive breeding of as many as 175 threatened species, including tigers, Irrawaddy dolphins and rare birds that exist only in the wild.
Monsoons Slam South Asia, Displacing Millions in Bangladesh and India
Flooding in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar and Nepal has killed scores of people, destroyed homes and structures, drowned entire villages, and forced many to crouch on rooftops hoping for rescue.
‘I Thought I Would Die’: Inside Myanmar’s Risky Pursuit of Jade
A survivor was swept away by a wave of mud and water after the wall of a mine collapsed on Thursday, killing at least 200 people.
Myanmar Jade Mine Collapse Kills at Least 168
Dozens of miners were missing after a huge pile of muddy waste collapsed into an open pit in northern Myanmar, triggering a vast wave, an official said.
Police Reform: For a U.S. in Crisis, Hard Lessons From Other Countries
Those who want to remake a police model that has set off unrest and despair would do well to look at the experiences of Asia, Africa and Europe.
Myanmar Raids Reveal New Production of Fentanyl, a Killer Drug
China’s crackdown on makers of the drug, which has fueled the U.S. opioid crisis, may have simply created opportunities for crime syndicates elsewhere.
‘A Lot of Bad News Out There’: Parenting in a Pandemic
A mother balances coverage of tsunamis, plane crashes, bombings and other tragedies with life at home during a coronavirus lockdown.