Plus former British colonies weigh their relationship with the monarchy and Lebanon faces blackouts.
Tag: New Zealand
New Zealand’s Leader Affirms Support for a Republic, but Not Now
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern previously said King Charles III had “consistently demonstrated his deep care for our nation.”
New Zealand’s Leader Affirms Support for a Republic, but Not Now
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern previously said King Charles III had “consistently demonstrated his deep care for our nation.”
With Queen Gone, Former Colonies Find a Moment to Rethink Lasting Ties
In Commonwealth nations with British colonial histories, Queen Elizabeth’s death is rekindling discussions about a more independent future.
The Anglican Church’s ‘Kick in the Guts’ to Gay Parishioners
Divisions over the acceptance of homosexuality have proved intractable both on a global level and inside even liberal-leaning countries like New Zealand.
Could New Zealand Change Its Name?
A petition before Parliament asks that the country be called “Aotearoa,” which loosely translates from Maori as the “land of the long white cloud.”
Remains of 2 Children Are Found in Suitcases Bought at New Zealand Auction
The police did not immediately release the precise ages of the children, their genders, or whether they might have been related. “We still have a lot of unanswered questions,” a detective said.
You Just Can’t Get the Staff
Australia’s labor and skills shortage has affected almost every sector. Signs of it are everywhere.
New Zealand Designates Proud Boys a Terrorist Group
The far-right Proud Boys are not known to operate in the country, but the designation makes it illegal for New Zealanders to support them.
Abroad, Jacinda Ardern Is a Star. At Home, She’s Losing Her Shine.
New problems in New Zealand like inflation and gang violence and old problems like unaffordable housing have sent her polling numbers to new lows as an election looms next year.