Rawiri Waititi, a Maori politician in New Zealand, was kicked out of Parliament for refusing to wear a tie as a marker of Indigenous resistance.
Tag: New Zealand
He Calls It a ‘Colonial Noose.’ New Zealand’s Parliament Calls It Mandatory.
Rawiri Waititi was kicked out of the chamber for refusing to wear a necktie. He cast his action as a marker of Indigenous resistance.
Its Borders Shut, New Zealand Prods Local Tourists to ‘Do Something New’
A viral ad campaign urges New Zealanders to find new ways to look at their own backyard — and to stop posting hot-tub vacation photos.
Its Borders Shut, New Zealand Prods Local Tourists to ‘Do Something New’
A viral ad campaign urges New Zealanders to find new ways to look at their own backyard — and to stop posting hot-tub vacation photos.
How 8 Countries Have Tried to Keep Artists Afloat During Panemic
Governments around the world have tried to support the arts during the pandemic, some more generously than others.
Christchurch Inquiry Says New Zealand Couldn’t Have Prevented Mosque Attacks
But the Royal Commission, the country’s highest-level investigation, faulted lax gun regulations and the country’s “fragile” intelligence agencies.
A 4-Day Workweek for 5 Days’ Pay? Unilever New Zealand Is the Latest to Try
“If we find that we’re all working the same number of hours as before but in four days, then we’ve missed the opportunity,” the company’s managing director said.
New Zealand Announces Charges in Deadly White Island Volcano Eruption
Government agencies and individuals were among those charged over the roles in the 2019 disaster, which killed 22 people.
With Progressive Politics on March in New Zealand, Maori Minister Blazes New Trails
Nanaia Mahuta, the new foreign minister, brings a reputation as an honest broker to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s cabinet, the most diverse in the country’s history.
A Solution to Pandemic Hunger, Eyeballs and All
A Maori community center in New Zealand is distributing bags of donated fish heads to families in need. But it’s more than just charity; it’s a model for reducing food waste.