A rusting vessel used for years to store oil off Yemen’s coast poses what the United Nations has called a dire and entirely preventable threat of ecological catastrophe.
Tag: Oceans and Seas
Historic Arctic Heat Wave Roasts Siberia
Wildfires are spreading. The mosquitoes are ravenous. People are shielding their windows from the midnight sun with foil and blankets.
Second Woman to Make Challenger Deep Ocean Dive
The mountaineer Vanessa O’Brien dove to the Challenger Deep, seven miles below the surface of the sea.
Major Fuel Spill in Russia’s North Spreads Toward Arctic Ocean
A diesel spill has released about half as much petroleum into the environment as the Exxon Valdez tanker accident in Alaska. The fuel is flowing toward the Arctic Ocean.
The Sea’s Weirdest Creatures, Now in ‘Staggering’ Detail
With a new laser-scanning tool, marine biologists are getting a fine-comb look at some of the gloopiest and most mysterious organisms in the ocean.
The Sound of One Shrimp Snapping
How climate change is altering nature’s sonic landscape.
They’re Stealthy at Sea, but They Can’t Hide From the Albatross
Researchers outfitted 169 seabirds with radar detectors to pinpoint vessels that had turned off their transponders.
This Strange Microbe May Mark One of Life’s Great Leaps
A organism living in ocean muck offers clues to the origins of the complex cells of all animals and plants.
The Lonely and Dangerous Life of the Filipino Seafarer
The Philippines for decades has supplied the largest share of labor on the world’s cargo ships. Filipino culture is brought aboard, from food to song and sports.
How Did a Virus From the Atlantic Infect Mammals in the Pacific?
Thawing sea ice may have opened the door, allowing the infection to cross oceans, a new study suggests.