Smog from factories and cars has led to more storms in the Atlantic Ocean, but fewer in the Pacific. A new study explains why.
Tag: Oceans and Seas
Why Did a U.N. Agency Give a Family $61 Million?
A little-known United Nations agency decided to make an impact by doling out loans and grant money — all to a single family. It did not go well.
Why Did a U.N. Agency Give a Family $61 Million?
A little-known United Nations agency decided to make an impact by doling out loans and grant money — all to a single family. It did not go well.
The Ocean’s Biggest Garbage Pile Is Full of Floating Life
Researchers found that small sea creatures exist in equal number with pieces of plastic in parts of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which could have implications for cleaning up ocean pollution.
The Ocean’s Biggest Garbage Pile Is Full of Floating Life
Researchers found that small sea creatures exist in equal number with pieces of plastic in parts of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which could have implications for cleaning up ocean pollution.
In Warming World Oceans Risk Mass Extinctions, Model Shows
A new study finds that if fossil fuel emissions continue apace, the oceans could experience a mass extinction by 2300. There is still time to avoid it.
A Portrait of South Georgia: Abundance, Exploitation, Recovery
A series of ecological initiatives, including the eradication of several invasive species, has dramatically revived the life and landscape of this remote sub-Antarctic island.
Climate Change Is Hurting Penguins Unevenly in Antarctica
The western side of the Antarctica penisula has seen sharp declines in Adélie penguin populations in recent decades. Things look better on the eastern side. Take a tour.
These Photographers Chase Bioluminescence in New Zealand
Capturing bioluminescence, a phenomenon in which glowing algae give crashing waves an electric blue glow, requires technical skill and a bit of luck.
In the Ocean, It’s Snowing Microplastics
Tiny bits of plastic have infiltrated the deep sea’s main food source and could alter the ocean’s role in one of Earth’s ancient cooling processes, scientists say.