Leaders meeting Thursday worked out a compromise with Hungary and Poland, who had vetoed the bloc’s budget and stimulus plans over threats that they could lose access to funds.
Tag: Orban, Viktor
Does Trump’s Defeat Signal the Start of Populism’s Decline Globally?
Populist leaders may have lost their most prominent champion, but their economic, social and political grievances remain potent.
Central Europe Suffers as Coronavirus Surges
The Czech Republic, with the highest transmission rate in Europe, closed schools, bars and restaurants. In some countries in Central Europe, there is a critical shortage of doctors and nurses.
E.U. Court Rules Against Hungary Law Targeting Soros-Funded University
The ruling comes as the bloc pushes back against a growing authoritarianism by the government of Viktor Orban, but is unlikely to have much effect on the ground.
Even as Coronavirus Surges, Hungary Plans Super Cup Soccer Game
Bayern Munich and Sevilla battled for the European trophy in Budapest despite growing concerns over fan safety.
Student Blockade Protests Viktor Orban’s Reach at a Top Arts University
A demonstration at the University for Theater and Film Arts in Budapest has received support from theater groups, students and faculties in Hungary and around Europe.
Hungary’s Independent Press Takes Another Blow and Reporters Quit
The concentration of control of the media in Hungary by the government is part of a troubling pattern in Central Europe, where Poland’s press also faces pressure following a presidential election.
Angela Merkel Guides the E.U. to a Stimulus Deal, However Imperfect
With her long experience as German chancellor, she shapes a necessary compromise on virus aid for the battered European south. But it’s consensus at a cost.
European Union Leaders Meet to Discuss Coronavirus Recovery Plan
Domestic political pressures and longstanding cultural differences are putting a brake on Angela Merkel’s push for swift agreement.
Top E.U. Court Rules Against Hungary’s N.G.O. Law
A requirement that groups receiving foreign funding identify themselves as such and disclose their donors is “discriminatory and unjustified,” the European Court of Justice said.