The territory’s first cases of community transmission of the virus have raised fears it will spread quickly and worsen an already devastated economy.
Tag: Palestinians
11-Year-Old Scores Viral Rap Hit but Trips on Gaza Politics
Abdel Rahman al-Shantti became a Palestinian rap star when his video went viral. His trouble began when he advocated “love between us and Israel.”
Shifting Dynamics of the Mideast Pushed Israel and U.A.E. Together
Prime Minister Netanyahu’s quest to open relations with Arab countries without settling the Palestinian conflict long seemed quixotic. External events changed the equation.
Israel-U.A.E. Deal Swaps One Nightmare for Another for Palestinians
With annexation of the West Bank off the table and Arab diplomacy turned inside out, the Palestinian struggle, once focused against Israel, now is to remain relevant.
Netanyahu Drops Troubled Annexation Plan for Diplomatic Gain
In an abrupt reversal, Israel’s prime minister “suspended” a promise to annex part of the West Bank in exchange for a historic opening with the U.A.E.
Israel Quietly Opens Its Borders, and Palestinians Have a Beach Day
Tens of thousands of Palestinians slipped through holes in Israel’s security barrier, with Israel’s tacit approval, for a rare day on a Mediterranean beach.
Coronavirus Spares Gaza, but Travel Restrictions Do Not
The blockaded Gaza Strip has not recorded any cases of community transmission of the coronavirus, but new restrictions on movement continue to make life difficult.
Palestinians, Slammed for Suppressing Dissent, Free Protest Organizers
The activists, charged with violating coronavirus regulations forbidding mass gatherings, were released on bail after being held for a week.
For Palestinian Police, Much to Lose if Israel Annexes West Bank Land
Palestinian security officers, scorned for working with Israel, say they are on the front lines of building a state. But what if the state-building project fizzles?
Netanyahu’s Annexation Day Arrives, but All That Emerges Is Delay
Boris Johnson, the British prime minister, added his voice to the chorus of foreign leaders opposing any unilateral annexation of the occupied West Bank.