Sit back, relax and enjoy a whirlwind visual tour of this year’s best travel photography.
Tag: Paris (France)
Dispatch From the Land of Flight Shaming, or How I Became a Train Boaster
In Sweden, some environmentally conscious travelers are switching from planes to trains. Slower? Yes. But why not embrace the journey, perhaps even prolong it?
Amid Chaos of Daily Commutes, Strikers and Macron Compete for the Commuters
The government is banking that anger at the strikers for making life miserable will tip the scales of public opinion in its favor. So far that is not happening.
A Movie Torn From the Pages of His Life
Ladj Ly started with videos of police confrontations with his friends in Paris’s immigrant suburbs. Now, his wrenching film “Les Misérables” is up for an Oscar.
Strikes Against Macron’s Pension Plans Shut Down Much of France
Workers across the country were staging walkouts and joining demonstrations to register their opposition to President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to overhaul the pension system.
‘Yellow Vest’ Anniversary Brings Fires, Tear Gas and Dwindled Crowds
A protest movement that once brought tens of thousands to the streets of Paris has been confined to marginal sites and outmaneuvered by the president whose program it challenged.
The French Theaters Where the iPhone Is No Match for Guignol
French puppet theater captures hearts and minds the way no technology does. Guignol is one of several characters that have endured for centuries.
Macron Says NATO Is Experiencing ‘Brain Death’ Because of Trump
The French president wonders whether NATO is still committed to collective defense, denounces American unilateralism and calls for more European autonomy.
France Strips 7 Police Officers of Guns After Paris Attack
A fatal attack by an employee at headquarters in Paris has prompted increased internal vigilance, but experts warned about religious stereotyping.
Failed Notre-Dame Plot Leads to Shame, Regret and Heavy Sentences
The trial has shed new light on the role of women in homegrown terrorism in France.