The police drew their pistols and unleashed rounds of tear gas at protesters, who threw bricks and firebombs, as a weekend of violence followed nearly two weeks of relatively peaceful rallies.
Tag: People’s Daily
China Backs Hong Kong Officials, but Leaves Protests for Them to Solve
Officials in Beijing defended the Hong Kong government but failed to address demonstrators’ demands for more police accountability and greater democracy.
For China’s Leading Investigative Reporter, Enough Is Enough
Liu Wanyong, “the most important figure in investigative journalism,” has quit the profession. “News is not like news anymore,” he says.
New Zealand’s Former Leader Is Depicted by China as Praising Its Policies
Former Prime Minister Jenny Shipley gave an interview to a Communist Party newspaper in December. This week, it ran her remarks as a glowing op-ed piece.
China Tries to Balance Anger Over Huawei Arrest With Warmer Trade Ties
China is pushing hard for the release of a tech executive, while still trying to follow up on President Trump’s recent truce in trade frictions.