A dune buggy is about to set off on behalf of its human owners to fulfill a primordial yearning.
Tag: Planets
Seven Hundred Leagues Beneath Titan’s Methane Seas
Mars, Shmars; this voyager is looking forward to a submarine ride under the icebergs on Saturn’s strange moon.
Jupiter and Saturn Head for Closest Visible Alignment in 800 Years
On Dec. 21, Jupiter and Saturn will appear to be no more than a dime’s width apart in the night sky. The last time that could be seen was in 1226.
On Venus, Cloudy With a Chance of Microbial Life
Astrobiologists shift their gaze, and speculations, to Earth’s broiling sister planet.
The Interstellar Comet Has Arrived in Time for the Holidays
This weekend an ice cube from beyond our solar system will make its closest approach to the sun, trailing mystery and dust.
Should That Minor Planet Be Named Gonggong? Astronomers Want the Public’s Help
Astronomers discovered the minor planet 2007 OR10 more than a decade ago. Now they’re asking the public to vote on what to submit as its official name.
Trilobites: It’s Cold Outside, but Earth Is at Its Closest Approach to the Sun
Our planet’s elliptical orbit doesn’t affect winter or summer temperatures. But some astronomers wonder whether it’s a factor in why life survives.
Basics: The Earth’s Shell Has Cracked, and We’re Drifting on the Pieces
Plate tectonics helped make our planet stable and habitable. But the slow shifting of continents is still a mysterious process.