After faulting the United States and Canada last year, FIFA is more muted as it brings a new tournament to China.
Tag: Political Prisoners
In China, FIFA’s Focus Is Soccer, Not Human Rights
After faulting the United States and Canada last year, FIFA is more muted as it brings a new tournament to China.
When the Urge to Write Is a Life Sentence
Ahmet Altan, author of the new book “I Will Never See the World Again,” has been imprisoned for life. I’m being treated for a brain tumor. We’re both determined to keep going.
When the Urge to Write Is a Life Sentence
Ahmet Altan, author of the new book “I Will Never See the World Again,” has been imprisoned for life. I’m being treated for a brain tumor. We’re both determined to keep going.
China Detains 2 Americans Amid Growing Scrutiny of Foreigners
Two Americans who ran an English-language teaching company are being held on charges of organizing illegal border crossings, a Chinese government spokesman said.
Egypt Is Using Apps to Track and Target Its Citizens, Report Says
A cybersecurity firm says evidence suggests the Egyptian government carried out cyberattacks on journalists, academics, lawyers and rights activists.
Siberian Shaman on Trek to ‘Cast Out’ Putin From the Kremlin Is Arrested
Jittery about unrest, Russian security forces detained the mystic on his self-proclaimed mission to drive out President Vladimir V. Putin, whom he called a “demon.”
Couple’s Trek Across Continents Ended in an Iranian Prison
Jolie King and Mark Firkin were on a once-in-a-lifetime journey from Australia to Britain. They documented it all on social media and a website, but then the posts suddenly stopped.
Three Australians Are Being Held in Iran, Government Says
The Australian government said it was providing consular assistance to the families of those detained, and it reminded travelers that they risk arbitrary detention when visiting Iran.
Canada Deports Chinese Dissident, Brushing Off Concerns He Faces Jail
The dissident was accused of violent attacks, but his supporters say he faces jail time at home and is in need of psychiatric help.