After harrowing escapes from the apartment fire in Johannesburg that killed at least 74 people, residents described how they managed to build lives with no legal water or electricity, and very little privacy.
Tag: Poverty
Pope Says a Strong U.S. Faction Offers a Backward, Narrow View of the Church
In unusually sharp remarks published this week, Pope Francis said some conservative American Catholics wrongly ignore much of the Church’s mission and reject the possibility of change.
In France, Some Public Pools Are Victims of Budget Woes
As temperatures rise, a vast but aging system is feeling the strains of rising energy costs, increasing water scarcity and mounting pressure on public budgets.
End of Nigerian Fuel Subsidy Fuels Crippling Inflation
In his first two months in office, President Bola Tinubu has ripped the Band-Aid off Nigeria’s ailing economy. Time will tell if it can heal, but for now, Nigerians are feeling the pain.
For Europe’s Older Population, Heat Is the New Covid
Scorching temperatures have threatened the health of the elderly and pushed them inside, while governments are trying to take extraordinary steps to protect them.
Heat Divide Leaves Low-Income Workers Among the Most Vulnerable
Europe’s latest heat wave has highlighted the inequities between those who can afford to shelter from the heat and those who can’t.
Riots in France Highlight a Vicious Cycle Between Police and Minorities
Calls to overhaul the police go back decades. But violent episodes of police enforcement continue. So do violent outpourings on the street.
Another Generation of Riots in France, as Seen From Clichy-Sous-Bois
France spent billions of euros to revive poor areas after the protests that ignited in Clichy-sous-Bois in 2005. Amid another outpouring of rage, people want to know what went wrong.
A New Kind of Disaster Aid: Pay People Cash, Before Disaster Strikes
Experiments suggest that sums as low as $50 can help the world’s poorest protect themselves and their property in ways they couldn’t otherwise.
France Police Shooting Presents New Challenge for Macron
Protests over the fatal police shooting of a teenager come as President Emmanuel Macron seeks to restore a sense of calm after his pension overhaul ignited turbulence in the streets.