The proposal, which fulfills a campaign vow by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, comes as the country has sidestepped the matter for decades even as it built a socially liberal reputation.
Tag: Pregnancy and Childbirth
What You Need to Know About the Zika Virus and Travel
The virus has been out of the headlines, but that doesn’t mean it is gone. The World Health Organization just updated its guidelines for travelers to the Zika zone.
U.K. Appeals Court Overturns Order for Mentally Disabled Woman to Have Abortion
Days after a British judge ruled it was in the best interests of a developmentally disabled woman to have an abortion, the Court of Appeal decided in favor of the woman’s mother, who opposes an abortion.
Depo-Provera, an Injectable Contraceptive, Does Not Raise H.I.V. Risk
The hormone shot — popular among African women who must use birth control in secret — is as safe as other methods, scientists reported.
Breast Milk Is Teeming With Bacteria — That’s Good for the Baby
Breast-fed milk may nourish a baby’s microbiome in ways that bottled breast milk can’t.
Japan Desperately Needs More Day Care Workers. New Mothers Need Not Apply.
Erica Takato had trained for a profession that is crucial for Japan: teaching preschool. Then she got pregnant and was hounded from her job.
Pope Francis Says Abortion, Even of a Sick Fetus, Is Like Hiring a ‘Hitman’
Conservatives have called Francis unacceptably weak on the issue. But his comments on Saturday, when he called abortion “inhuman eugenics,” were explicit.
Chloroform in Childbirth? Yes, Please, the Queen Said
Over centuries of British royal births, witnesses were in the room and a monarch helped pioneer pain relief.
Jacinda Ardern Got Engaged. New Zealand Almost Didn’t Notice.
The news emerged only because a reporter — a student journalist on an internship — spotted a ring on Ms. Ardern’s middle finger at an event on Friday and asked her office about it.
Survival of the throne: Episode four: A Princess in a Cage
The survival of Japan’s monarchy rested on her shoulders. No one ever let her forget it.