What appeared to be a cyst in a healthy fetus turned out to be an unformed twin “absorbed” early in pregnancy, connected by a second umbilical cord and still growing.
Tag: Pregnancy and Childbirth
An 11-Year-Old in Argentina Was Raped. A Hospital Denied Her an Abortion.
The girl in Argentina had made her wishes clear, but legal authorities delayed the procedure, forcing her to have a C-section and prompting outrage from women.
Teenager Who Joined ISIS and Wants to Return to U.K. Gives Birth in Syria
Shamima Begum, 19, had expressed little regret for joining the terrorist group but wanted to return home to protect the health of her child. Her son was born in a refugee camp.
Global Health: A Virus Even More Dangerous Than Zika to Pregnant Woman
The Zika virus must take the “side roads” into the placenta to infect a fetus, one researcher said — but the Rift Valley fever virus takes the “expressway.”
Where Doulas Calm Nerves and Bridge Cultures During Childbirth
In Sweden, midwives deliver babies. But doula culture interpreters act as bridges between midwives and immigrant women.
‘Birth Tourism’ Is Legal in Canada. A Lawmaker Calls It Unscrupulous.
As more pregnant women arrive from overseas to give birth, critics say visitors are gaming the immigration system and debasing Canadian citizenship.
gender letter: 2018: Year of the Woman, in 5 Powerful Quotes
The stories that defined this year for women around the world.