Israel’s prime minister has shut down the courts and ordered the government to track people by their cellphone data in the name of fighting an epidemic.
Tag: Privacy
To Track Coronavirus, Israel Moves to Tap Secret Trove of Cellphone Data
The information, intended for use in counterterrorism, would help identify people who have crossed paths with known patients.
You Can’t Fight City Hall. But Maybe You Can Fight Google.
Faced with an array of opponents for its sensor-laden city of tomorrow in Toronto, a Google sibling has drastically dialed back plans. The critics now want the tech giant to quit altogether.
Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities
Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.
Kenya’s New Digital IDs May Exclude Millions of Minorities
Millions face hurdles in obtaining documents to get a biometric ID card that will be required to function in the country. Without one, “you are totally a living dead,” a human rights advocate said.
London Police Are Taking Surveillance to a Whole New Level
The city, stepping into a debate over privacy, says it will use real-time facial recognition technology “to tackle serious crime.”
It Seemed Like a Popular Chat App. It’s Secretly a Spy Tool.
ToTok, an Emirati messaging app that has been downloaded to millions of phones, is the latest escalation of a digital arms race.
China Uses DNA to Map Faces, With Help From the West
Beijing’s pursuit of control over a Muslim ethnic group pushes the rules of science and raises questions about consent.
Toronto’s City of Tomorrow Is Scaled Back Amid Privacy Concerns
The overhaul envisioned by a sibling company of Google has been lauded for its innovations. It’s also been called a “corporate surveillance state.”
Australia Proposes Face Scans for Watching Online Pornography
As a government agency seeks approval of a facial recognition system, it says one use for it could be verifying the age of people who want to view pornography online.