The war in Ukraine is snarling global energy supply.
Tag: Propaganda
Was North Korea’s New ICBM Test Faked? Not Entirely.
South Korea says Kim Jong-un disguised an older missile as a new one to exaggerate his country’s weapons achievements when he badly needs political leverage.
How War in Ukraine Roiled Facebook and Instagram
The rules over what war content is permitted on Facebook and Instagram keep changing, causing internal confusion.
Fed Up With Deadly Propaganda, Some Russian Journalists Quit
At least four state television employees have publicly resigned, citing regret for their roles in promoting false narratives about Ukraine.
Russia and Far-Right Americans Find Common Ground With Ukraine War
Some conservatives have echoed the Kremlin’s misleading claims about the war and vice versa, giving each other’s assertions a sheen of credibility.
The Lies Putin Tells to Justify Russia’s War on Ukraine
The Kremlin has used a barrage of increasingly outlandish falsehoods to prop up its overarching claim that the invasion of Ukraine is justified.
War Strands Ukrainian and Russian Tourists Together in Egyptian Resorts
The tension in hotels and on Red Sea beaches is palpable, though there are also moments of compassion.
In Some Parts of the World, the War in Ukraine Seems Justified
In countries friendly toward Russia, people are troubled by the war and loss of life, but some say they think that Putin has a point.
U.S. Fights Bioweapons Conspiracy Theory Pushed by Russia and China
The Biden administration says the two countries’ promotion of anti-U.S. conspiracy theories might be cover for lethal Russian military operations.
4 Falsehoods Russians Are Told About the War
Russia’s disinformation machine is working in overdrive inside its own borders.