A failed plot to assassinate a C.I.A. spy in 2020 in part led to expulsions of the agency’s chief in Moscow and his Russian counterpart in Washington.
Tag: Putin, Vladimir V
African Leaders Visit Ukraine to Talk Peace With Russia
After meeting with the Africans, including some who have close ties to Moscow, President Volodymyr Zelensky suggested that their peace plans were unrealistic.
Putin Asserts Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Has ‘No Chance’ at Economic Forum
By claiming to be in control at a pivotal moment, critics say, he can no longer pass any military failures off on others.
Ukraine Counteroffensive Is Grueling and Costly but Promising, U.S. Says
American and Ukrainian defense officials said the fight to dislodge dug-in Russian forces occupying southeastern Ukraine was expected to be brutal.
Russia-China Bond Is Closely Watched, and Fraught
The shows of bonhomie between the two leaders reflect the bond between Russia and China, which could become more fraught as Russian dependence deepens.
NATO Sees No Change in Russia’s Nuclear Posture After Lukashenko’s Claims
The move described by the leader of Belarus would be another sign of worsening relations between Moscow and the West.
Russia Sends Navalny Associates to Prison for “Extremism”
Lilia Chanysheva and Rustem Mulyukov are the first of the jailed opposition leader’s organization to be convicted of charges related to national security since the Russian government declared his group an “extremist organization.”
Russian Forces Strike Back Against Ukraine’s Counteroffensive
Russia attacked Ukrainian troops near villages in Ukraine’s south on the same day that Russian missiles killed at least 11 people and that President Vladimir V. Putin acknowledged some Russian losses.
U.S. Lawmakers Ask White House to Punish South Africa for Supporting Russia
South Africa is accused of helping supply Russia with weapons for the Ukraine war, a charge that South Africa denies.
Fear and Mayhem as Russia’s War Comes Home
Attacks from Ukraine have killed at least a dozen Russian civilians and displaced thousands. But they have not fundamentally changed the calculus for Vladimir Putin.