Moscow accused Ukraine of striking near spent-fuel storage at the Zaporizhzhia power plant, while Ukrainian intelligence said it was a move by Russia to destroy infrastructure.
Tag: Radiation
Fighting Around Ukrainian Nuclear Plant Heightens Safety Fears
A series of blasts Friday at the plant, which the Russian military is using as cover for artillery attacks, renewed concerns of a radiation catastrophe.
How Hot and Humid Singapore Is Trying to Cool Itself Down
With the help of a mobile cart named “Smarty,” researchers are trying to tackle the challenge of urban heat through a program that the government says could be a model for other countries.
Russian Blunders in Chernobyl: ‘They Came and Did Whatever They Wanted’
Tank treads ripped up the toxic soil, bulldozers carved trenches and bunkers, and soldiers spent a month camped in — and dug into — a radioactive forest.
Nuclear Agency Looks Into Reports of Radiation Poisoning at Chernobyl
Russian soldiers left the decommissioned nuclear plant and a nearby city after five weeks of occupation.
What a Power Cutoff Could Mean for Chernobyl’s Nuclear Waste
With no working reactors, there is no risk of a meltdown. But the ruins from the 1986 disaster still pose considerable dangers.
Chernobyl Plant Is Unharmed Despite Russian Invasion of Ukraine, Scientists Say
The nation’s 15 operating reactors have also been assessed as safe — at least for the moment.
Touring Trinity, the Birthplace of Nuclear Dread
A recent visit to the site of the first atomic bomb explosion offered desert vistas, (mildly) radioactive pebbles and troubling reflections.
China Denies Radiation Leak at Nuclear Reactor, Admits Fuel Rod Damage
Several of the reactor’s more than 60,000 fuel rods have been damaged, prompting regulators to reassess the levels of radioactive gases around them.
French Companies Admit Problems at Nuclear Plant in China
One of the companies said there had been a buildup of gases at the heart of a reactor. They say the plant is still safe.