As fighting surged in the territory, Arab leaders condemned the move as a “mark of shame,” one that will haunt the United States for years.
Tag: Refugees and Displaced Persons
U.N. Secretary-General Demands a Cease-Fire in Gaza
The United States has signaled that it will block the effort.
U.N. Secretary-General Demands a Cease-Fire in Gaza
The United States has signaled that it will block the effort.
U.N. Secretary-General Demands a Cease-Fire in Gaza
The United States has signaled that it will block the effort.
Biden Tied Ukraine Aid to Border Security, and It Backfired on Him
President Biden faces difficult choices about how far to go in giving in to conservative demands that he choke off the number of migrants admitted to the United States.
Climate Change Makes East Africa’s Deadly Floods Worse, Study Finds
The extreme rain and flooding in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia this fall has been made twice as intense by climate change, according to a new study.
Gazans Flee Fighting to Al-Mawasi, but Find Little Shelter There
Palestinians were told to go to the seaside village of Al-Mawasi to escape the fighting, but once they got there they found they were on their own.
New U.K. Asylum Bill Aims to Override Some Human Rights Law
Britain’s prime minister unveiled emergency legislation to salvage a highly contested scheme to deport asylum seekers to the African country. It wasn’t enough for his immigration minister.
Gazans Flee Fighting to Al-Masawi, but Find Little Shelter There
Palestinians were told to go to the seaside village of Al-Mawasi to escape the fighting, but once they got there they found they were on their own.
Nguyen Qui Duc, Whose Salon Became a Hanoi Hub, Dies at 65
A former refugee who found radio success in the U.S., he opened an exhibition space in his native Vietnam that drew artists and ambassadors. Anthony Bourdain dropped in.