In a nation wary of the growth of Islam, France’s military has embraced and integrated its Muslim soldiers by facilitating their religious practice.
Tag: Religion-State Relations
Vatican Expresses Deep Reservations Over Gay Rights Bill in Italy
The move prompted cries of political meddling from liberal politicians and gestures of gratitude from conservatives. A church historian called it “an unprecedented act.”
The Mayor, the Teacher and a Fight Over a ‘Lost Territory’ of France
A battle erupted after a high-school teacher said that Islamists had taken over the city of Trappes, a view vigorously countered by the mayor, sharpening a national debate over French identity.
Quebec’s Ban on Public Religious Symbols Largely Upheld
The ruling exempts English-speaking schools and effectively allows provincial legislators to wear turbans or head scarves, but it angered civil liberties advocates as discriminatory.
In a Charged Environment, France Tackles Its Model of Secularism
In an effort to fend off a challenge from the right, President Emmanuel Macron tries to frame a debate on two issues important to conservatives: the country’s “laïcité” model of secularism, and crime.
Building a Mosque in France, Never Easy, May Get Even Harder
The country’s principle of secularism has long disadvantaged Muslim communities, experts say, and President Emmanuel Macron’s new law against Islamism could deepen the disparities.
Heating Up Culture Wars, France to Scour Universities for Ideas That ‘Corrupt Society’
The government announced an investigation into social science research, broadening attacks on what it sees as destabilizing American influences.
French National Assembly Backs Law to Combat Islamist Extremism
The bill faced hundreds of amendments but passed comfortably, despite opposition from left and right. It now goes to the Senate for final approval.
French National Assembly Backs Law to Combat Islamist Extremism
The bill faced hundreds of amendments but passed comfortably, despite opposition from left and right. It now goes to the Senate for final approval.