A colony in Halley Bay lost more than 10,000 chicks in 2016 and hasn’t recovered. Some adults have relocated.
Tag: Satellites
NASA Says Debris From India’s Antisatellite Test Puts Space Station at Risk
India’s test launch last week “is not compatible with the future of human spaceflight that we need to see have happen,” the space agency’s administrator said.
India Shot Down a Satellite, Modi Says, Shifting Balance of Power in Asia
The test could destabilize the balance of power between India and Pakistan and escalate the rivalry with China. With elections near, Mr. Modi played the news for maximum effect.
India Shot Down a Satellite, Modi Says, Joining a Select Group of Nations
If confirmed, a successful test would make India the fourth country to have one, after the United States, Russia and China. With elections near, Modi played it for maximum effect.
New Images of North Korea Buildup Confront Trump’s Hopes for Disarmament
For an administration that regularly acknowledges or dismisses intelligence findings to fit the moment, North Korea has served as a comeuppance.
Space Launch Would Violate North Korean Commitments to U.S., Official Warns
After a fruitless meeting with Kim Jong-un, President Trump declared himself “a little disappointed” by new evidence that North Korea is rebuilding a missile launch site.
Iranian Satellite Launch Ends in Failure
The Trump administration had condemned the endeavor as a pretext for testing technologies that could be transferred to ballistic missiles.
U.S. Accuses Iran of Using Space Launch as Cover for Missile Program
Responding to a warning from the secretary of state, Iran’s foreign minister said the U.S. was “in no position to lecture” about violating global deals after withdrawing from the 2015 nuclear deal.
China’s ‘Belt and Road’ Plan in Pakistan Takes a Military Turn
Under a program China insisted was peaceful, Pakistan is cooperating on distinctly defense-related projects, including a secret plan to build new fighter jets.
It’s a Briefcase! It’s a Pizza Box! No, It’s a Mini Satellite
Orbiting instruments are now so small they can be launched by the dozens, and even high school students can build them.