Ignoring concerns that Saudi Arabia was abusing Israeli spyware to crush dissent at home and abroad, Israel encouraged its companies to work with the kingdom.
Tag: Saudi Arabia
Two Jordanians Sentenced to Prison in Plot Against Monarchy
A closed court sentenced a former confidant to Jordan’s king and adviser to the Saudi crown prince, along with a cousin of the monarch, to 15 years in prison.
Oil Nations Again Fail to Reach Deal as U.A.E. Demands Higher Quota
Monday’s meeting never got started after attempts to mediate the dispute failed to make progress.
Royal Drama Unfolds in Court, but a Prince at the Center of It Is Absent
Two prominent figures are on trial in Jordan accused of plotting to destabilize the kingdom. One is an adviser to Saudi Arabia’s leader, and the Saudis have been trying to disrupt the trial.
Saudi Operatives Who Killed Khashoggi Received Paramilitary Training in U.S.
The training, approved by the State Department, underscores the perils of military partnerships with repressive governments.
Saudi Arabia Limits Hajj to 60,000 From Within the Country
The annual Muslim pilgrimage is scheduled to begin in mid-July, and attendees must be vaccinated and between 18 and 65 years old, the Saudi Press Agency said.
Clubhouse App Creates Space for Open Talk in Middle East
The social networking app is booming in authoritarian countries, where users are speaking freely about otherwise taboo topics.
Fierce Foes, Iran and Saudi Arabia Secretly Explore Defusing Tensions
Talks between the two regional powers, if successful, could start to lower the temperature on several conflicts across the Middle East.
U.S. Is Expected to Approve Some Arms Sales to U.A.E. and Saudis
The Biden administration is close to completing a review of Trump-era weapons sales to the two Gulf Arab states. Democrats in Congress oppose the deals.
A Clash of Wills Keeps a Leonardo Masterpiece Hidden
The Louvre inspected the “Salvator Mundi” and certified it as the work of Leonardo da Vinci. But it kept those findings secret after a squabble with the painting’s owners.