The couple were taken into custody early Saturday in Detroit, after the police received a tip. They pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges.
Tag: School Shootings and Armed Attacks
Norway Bow-and-Arrow Rampage Treated as Apparent Terrorism Attack
The police said that they had previously contacted the suspect, a 37-year-old Danish citizen who is believed to have killed five people, over concerns that he had been radicalized.
Russia Shooting: Gunman Kills at Least Six at University
A social media post attributed to the gunman went up shortly before the attack, a misanthropic screed suggesting a lifelong fascination with violence.
Russia School Shooting Kills 7 Students and 2 Employees
Within hours of the shooting in Kazan, a provincial capital, President Vladimir V. Putin said he had ordered a tightening of Russia’s already restrictive laws on civilian ownership of guns.
Bombing Outside Afghan School Kills at Least 50, With Girls as Targets
The attack, which came at the end of a particularly violent week, underlined growing concerns about the American troop withdrawal.
A List of Recent Mass Shootings in the United States
In the last five years, there have been at least 29 shootings with four or more fatalities, according to a database compiled by the Violence Project.
Hazara Students Pursue Education at Bombed Academies
A group of young Afghans studying for college entrance exams, members of a once persecuted minority, must risk attacks by the Islamic State and the looming threat of a Taliban return.
Nigeria’s Boarding Schools Have Become a Hunting Ground for Kidnappers
Northern Nigeria’s kidnap-for-ransom industry is growing, and it’s not just the well-off who are at risk. The new targets are poor villagers and ordinary schoolchildren.
Gunmen in Nigeria Attack School, Abducting Dozens and Killing a Student
Kidnappers in the West African country once targeted people with money or power. But increasingly, they are abducting people with neither — like schoolchildren.
An Agonizing Wait After Nigeria Abductions, Then a Flood of Relief
The seizure of more than 300 boys brought immediate comparisons to the 2014 kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls. But an anguishing six days later, a state governor said the boys had been released.