The biggest space telescope in history aims to answer astronomy’s oldest question: How did we get from the Big Bang to here?
Tag: Science and Technology
Trust in Science and Scientists Increased Globally, Poll Finds
An international survey found that the pandemic had enhanced public faith in researchers and science, up from 2018.
As U.S. Hunts for Chinese Spies, University Scientists Warn of Backlash
A chilling effect has taken hold on American campuses, contributing to an outflow of academic talent that may hurt the United States while benefiting Beijing.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded for Tool to Build Molecules
Benjamin List and David W.C. MacMillan were honored for work that spurred research into new drugs and reduced the effect of chemistry on the environment.
Nobel Prize in Medicine Awarded to David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian
David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian were honored for their discoveries about how heat, cold and touch can initiate signals in the nervous system.
India’s I.C.M.R. Is a ‘Political Weapon’ Under Modi, Some Scientists Say
The country’s top science agency tailored its findings to fit Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s optimistic narrative despite a looming crisis, researchers say.
Japan Needs a Lot More Tech Workers. Can It Find a Place for Women?
The country is pushing to digitally modernize itself, but one of the developed world’s starkest gender gaps is holding it back.
Covid Lab-Leak Theory Renews “Gain-of-Function” Research Debate
Talk of ‘gain-of-function’ research, a muddy category at best, brings up deep questions about how scientists should study viruses and other pathogens.
Shi Zhengli, A Virologist in Wuhan, Speaks Out Against ‘Lab Leak’ Theory
The virologist, Shi Zhengli, said in a rare interview that speculation about her lab in Wuhan was baseless. But China’s habitual secrecy makes her claims hard to validate.
Lab-Leak Theory: Kristian Andersen On His Fauci Email and Covid Origins
In early 2020, Kristian Andersen wrote to Anthony Fauci about the possibility of an engineered coronavirus. His research has since dispelled those suspicions.